Trắc nghiệm môn tiếng Anh trình độ A2 năm 2019

You can do this test before using the book to help you choose what to study. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C, for each question. When you have finished, check your answers on page 223. The key tells you which units are most important for you.

1. Most university students .on campus in their first year.

A. lives

xB. live

C. are living

2. From this graph we can see that theeconomy . at the moment.

A. improves

B. improve

xC. is improving

3. They . personal computerswhen my father was a student.

A. hadn’t

xB. didn’t have

C. weren’t having

4. I . want to be a practisingdoctor but now I’m more interested in research.

A. was used to

xB. used to

C. would

5. The teacher . us how to do theexperiment when the fire bell rang.

A. showed

B. shown

xC. was showing


Trắc nghiệm môn tiếng Anh trình độ A2 năm 2019 trang 1

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Trắc nghiệm môn tiếng Anh trình độ A2 năm 2019
You can do this test before using the book to help you choose what to study. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C, for each question. When you have finished, check your answers on page 223. The key tells you which units are most important for you.
1. Most university students..on campus in their first year.
A. lives	              
xB. live
C. are living
2. From this graph we can see that theeconomy	.................. at the moment.
A. improves	               
B. improve	
xC. is improving	
3. They ................. personal computerswhen my father was a student.
A. hadn’t
xB. didn’t have
C. weren’t having
4. I ........... want to be a practisingdoctor but now I’m more interested in research. 
A. was used to 
xB. used to 
C. would
5. The teacher ............... us how to do theexperiment when the fire bell rang.
A. showed 
B. shown
xC. was showing
6. I finished my essay yesterday but . it in to the tutor yet.
        A. I’ve given 
        xB. I haven’t given 
        C. I didn’t give
7. ............. the experiment three timesnow with different results each time!
xA. We’ve done
        B. We did
        C. We’ve been doing
8. When I arrived the lecture .............. so I didn’t find it easy to follow.
        	    A. started
        	   x B. had started
               C. had been starting
9. She ................ well at school but thatchanged when she became friends witha different group of girls.
        	    A. did	
        	    B. had done 
        	    xC. had been doing
10. . the doctor at 2.00 thisafternoon so I can’t go to the lecture.
       xA. I’m seeing
       B. I see.
       C.  I will see
11. My sister	..................... economics andpolitics when she goes to university.
       xA. is going to study 
       B. studies 
       C. will study
12. While we’re working on the project ourboss ................ on a beach in Greece!
       A. will sit 
       B. will have sat 
       xC. will be sitting
13. If the trend continues, the averageincome ............. by 107% by 2020.
        A. will increase
        xB. will have increased 
        C. will be increasing
14. You can base your geographyassignment on ................ country – itdoesn’t matter which.
      A. a
      B. some      
      xC. any
15. There aren’t ...............places left onthe course so you’d better apply soon.
      A.	much
      xB. many	
      C. lots of	
16. I don’t know whether to accept the joboffer. It’s ................. .
      xA. a difficult decision
      B. the difficult decision	
      C. difficult decision
17. For those of you new to the company, this leaflet is full of	 ................ .
      A.	a valuable information 
      B.	the valuable information
      xC.	valuable information	
18. The manager interviewed ........... candidates in turn.
      xA. each of the 
      B. each 
      C. every
19. I know it’s not much of a present but I made it ............. .
      A. me 
      B. myself 
      xC. by myself
20. You should visit Bath. It’s ............ city.
      A. a historical and interesting 
      B. a historical interesting  
      xC. an interesting historical
21. The government has released some ................... data showing how schools arenot providing an adequate education to our children.
      xA. shocking
      B. shock
     C. shocked	
22. You really should go to Namibia. The scenery is ................. stunning and thepeople are very friendly.
      A. very 	
      B. fairly	
      xC. absolutely
23. This factory produces some of .............. cameras in the world.
      A. best 
      xB. the best 
      C. the most best
24.  people live in the countrysidethan 100 years ago.
      A. Less 
      B. Few ,
      xC. Fewer
25. The bookshop ........... the end of the road is excellent.
      xA. at
      B. on .
      C. in.	
26. There were millions of people aroundthe world ............. the football match live on television.
      A. watched 
      xB. watching
      C. were watching
27. Scientists finally ............... find a curefor the disease after years of research.
      xA. managed to
      B. can 
      C. could
28. She got a terrible mark in the exam so she ........ very hard at all.
      A. mustn’t have worked 
      xB. can’t have worked 
      C. didn’t work
29. What ........... in order to get a permitto work in your country?
      xA. do I need to do
      B. must I do	  
      C. ought I do 
30. When you write your essays you ............. copy ideas from books without referencing them properly.
      xA. mustn’t
      B. don’t have to.
      C. have to	
31. Doctors have to cut downon salt in our diets if we want to reduce the risk of getting heart disease.
      A. insisted 
      B. suggested
      xC. advised	
32. this newspaper report, more women smoke than men nowadays.
      A. Apparently
      xB. According to
      C. Supposedly
33. My parents encouraged .............. this course.
      xA. me to do 
      B. me doing 
      C. me do
34. What will you do if ................
      xA. you don’t get a good IELTS score?
      B. you didn’t get a good IELTS score?
      C. you won’t get a good IELTS score?
35. A recent government report has warnedthat 	...................... we act immediately to
reduce pollution, there will be serious consequences, for the planet.
      A. provided that 
      B. in case 
      xC. unless
36. If I didn’t have to work tonight, .................
      xA. I’d be able to relax now.
      B. I’m able to relax now.
      C. I’ll be able to relax now. 
37. I wish that man ....................... tapping hisfingers on the table. It’s reallyannoying me.
      A. stopped 
      B. had stopped 
      xC. would stop 
38. I’m aiming ........... a band 7 in IELTS.
      A. on
      xB. for
      C. to 	
39. Do yo ... ........................... every day in 115countries from India to the Artie Circle.
1.	A. are sold	xB. were sold
	C. have been sold	D. sold
2.	A. is called	xB. called
	C. was called	D. calls
3.	A. gave	xB. was given
	C. is given	D. gives
4.	A. becomes	B. has become
	xC. became	D. was become
5.	xA. grew	B. has grown
	C. is grown	D. has been grown
6.	A. bought	B. was bought
	xC. were bought	D. have been bought
7.	xpreferred	B. prefer
	C. have preferred 	D. were preferred
8. 	A. open	xB. opened
	C. was opened	D. were opening
9.	A. were opened	B. opened
	xC. have been opened	D are opening
10.	A. have been eaten	xB. are eaten
	C. are eating	D. were eaten
Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer to fill in the blank. 
1. Vitamins ..................... very valuable in protecting the body against harm.
	A.that are	B. being	xC. are	D. are being
2.In 1849, Walter Hunt, ...................... American inventor, patented a designthat served as the basis for modem safety pins.
	xA. an	B. he was an 	C. who	D. was an
3.Ansel Adams was a landscape photographer ............................. photographs show the nature of the western United States.
	xA. whose	B.of his	C. of whom	D. his
4. Books .............. of leather are longer lasting than books that are made of paper.
	A. which made	B.making	C. are made	xD. made
5. Samuel Clemens, ................ under the pen name Mark Twain, createdcharacters that reflected purely American life.
	A. he wrote	B.was writing	C. wrote	xD. who wrote
6. ...................... in 1607, Jamestown in Virginia was the first settlement in theNew World.
	xA. Founded	B. It was founded	C. Founding	D. To be found
7.Henry Ford, ..................... ,was an outstanding innovator.
	A.	he founded the Ford Motor Company
	B.	founded the Ford Motor Company
	xC.	who founded Ford Motor Company
	D. 	the Ford Motor Company founded
8. In 1850 ........................ established one of the first detective agencies in theUnited States.
	xA. detective Pinkerton	B. it was detectivePinkerton	
	C.detective Pinkerton who	D. when detectivePinkerton
9. Willa Cather, ....................... a prominent American writer, grew up in Nebraska during the early farming years.	
	xA. who became	B. became
	C. she became	D. it is she who became
10.The journey, ........................ alone for most of the way, was in the name of charity.
	A. I undertook	B. that I undertook
	xC. which I undertook	D. undertaking
Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
1.A supermarket is ....................... a shopping center.
	A.less convenient as	xC. less convenient than
	B.not so convenient than 	D. the most convenient as
2.Computers are considered as .................... tools today.
	A.much modern than	C. modern as
	xB. the most modern	D. more modern
3.Hotels have developed ................... restaurants in this area. rapidly as	C. as rapid as
	B. so rapidly that	D. as rapid than
4.Commercial centers are ................ they were many years ago. popular than	B.the most popular
	xC. more popular than	D.the most popular than
5.The harder this man works, ....................... he becomes.
	xA.the more successful	B.more successful
	C.the most successful	D.most successful
6.The price of his car is ....................... that of my car.	
	A. as twice as	B. twice as much than
	C.more twice than	xD. twice as much as
7.My new laptop costs me ............................. the old one I bought last year.
	A.times three	B.three times more than
	xC. three times as much as much as three times as
8.American spends more money on fast food .................... country in the world.
	A.than other	xB.than any other	
	C.other than	D.while other
9. This jacket is ....................... the others we've just seen.
	A. far most expensive 	xB. father more expensive than
	C. far more expensive	D. further more expensive
10. Laser discs provide images of ............................ than those ofeither television signals or video tapes.
	A. best quality	xB. better quality
	C. good quality 	D. the best quality
Adjectives and Adverbs
1. It’s too ............... to work in here.
	(A)	noisify 	x (B)	noisy
	(C)	noise	(D)	noises
2.Your garden is ................. beautiful.
	x (A)	perfectly
	(B)	perfect
	(C)	perfected
	(D)	perfection
3.We met several .................... people at the party.
	 (A) interestingly
	(B) Interest 
	x (C) Interesting 
	 (D) interests
4.The weather is bad tonight so please drive ...................... .
	(A)	careful
	(B)	caring
	(C)	cared 
	x (D) 	carefully
5.Steve ate his dinner .................. .
	x (B) quickly
6.Elizabeth sounded ................. on the telephone last night.
	(A)happily	(B)happening 
	x (C) happy	(D)happens
7. Bill ordered two ..................... pizzas.
	x (A) 	large
	(B)	largeness
	(C)	largely
	(D)	largest
8.The weather yesterday was extremely ....................... .
	(A)	hotly
	x (B) 	hot
	 (C) 	heat	
	(D) 	heater
9. These are very .................... chairs.
	 (B) comfortably	
	x (C) comfortable
	 (D) comforts
10.Please play that music ............................ .	
	(B) soften 
	x (C) soft 
	(D) softens
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
1. My grandmother person in rriy family.
(A)	old
(B)	older
xC. the oldest 
(D) oldest
2 Chris isthan his brother.
(B) short
(D)the shortest
3.We always travel by train because it is.than a bus.
(B)the comfortable 
xC.more comfortable 
(D) the most comfortable
4.I’ve tried all the desserts at this restaurant, but this one isof them all
(A) delicious
xB. the most delicious
(C)most delicious
(D)more delicious
5.I play checkers sometimes, but I think chess is
(A)an interesting
xB. more interesting
(C)more interesting than
(5. Biology is..of all my classes this semester.
x (A) the hardest
(B)	harder
(C)	hardly
(D)	harder than
7.Listening to music is..dancing.
(A)	relaxing than
(B)	the most relaxing
(C)	relaxing
xD. more relaxing than
8.	Today we have had all week.
A. colder than	
xB. the coldest
C. colder
D. coldest	
9. You should wear this dress because it’s..that one.
B. the most elegant
xC. more elegant than 
(D)the elegant
10. I like that sofa, but this one is
x (A) cheaper
(B)cheaper than
(C)	cheaply
(D)	cheapen
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.	
1.The plantthe window needs water.
(A)by the time
xB. by
(C)is by
2.The peoplenext door aren't very friendly.
(A)	are living
(B)	live 
xC living
(D) is living
3.Most of the programs.on TV aren’t very interesting.
(A)	show
(B)	shows .
xC. shown
(D) are showing
4.Kathleen was the only student..the test.
(A)	falls
(B)	is failing
(C)	failed 
xD. to fail
5.The people.this office are very helpful.
xA. In
(B)	work
(C)	are working
(D)	work in
6.Neil Armstrong was the first person.on the moon.
(A)	has walked
(B)	to walk
(C)	walks 
xD. walks to
7. I want to buy the housethe end of the street.
(A)	to be
xB. is
(C)	is at
(D)	at
8. The fruitin this area is really delicious.
(A)	grows
(B)	grown
(C)	is growing
xD grow
9. That girl..	in the corner looks lonely,
(A)	is sitting
(B)	sat
xC	sitting
(D)	sits
10. Ivan was the last person at the party.
xA	to arrive
(B)	arrived
(C)	arrives
(D)	was arriving
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
1.I read the bookseeing the movie
(A)	by the time
(B)	as soon as 
xC. before
(D) behind
2.Jane fell asleep..she was watching TV.
(A)	before
(B)	again 
xC. while
(D)	soon
3.It’s been snowinglast night.
(A)	as soon as
(B)	while
(C)	by the time 
xD. since 
4.Feed the dogyou get home.
(A)	soon
xB. as soon as
(C)	as soon
(D)	sooner than
5.Cindy usually gels up early and works tor an hour. breakfast.
(A)	while 
xB. before
(C)	when
(D)	as soon as
6.I fett better	..talking to you.
{A) by the time
(B)	as soon 
x (C) after
(D)	later
7.I spent a lot of moneyI went to the grocery store.
x A when
(B)	on
(C)	by
(D)	from
8.John has seemed more relaxed..he moved to the country.
(A)	from
(B)	by
(C)	on 
xD. since
9.	_______ Richard got home, he called Lisa.
(A) While
xB. As soon as
(C)	Time
(D)	By
10.Please wash the dishes.dinner.
(A)	as soon as
(B)	when 
xC. after
(D)	on
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
1.I take a vacation with my family . 
(A) always 
xB. yearly
(C)	daily
(D)	never
2.Exercise is important for your health so you should exercise 
xA. daily
(B)	usually
(C)	annually
(D)	yearly
3.Tina doesn’t like coffee so she..drinks it
(A)	always
(B)	weekly
(C)	often
xD never
4. Jack is a busy man who.	
(A)	always
(B)	daily 
xC rarely 
(D) yearly
5. My children enjoy soccer, which on weekends
xA. often
(B)	rarely
(C)	seldom
(D)	never
6. Our office has a meeting every Friday because It's important to meet..
 (A) annually 
xB weekly
(C)	monthly
(D)	daily
7. I like to read the newspaper, but I don’t..have time to read it
(A)	daily
(B)	never 
xC usually 
(D) weekly
8. It's.. cheaper to buy things on sale
xA. always
(B) never
(D) monthly
9. Sarah is a lazy-student who doesn’t her homework
 (A)	daily
(B)	never 
xC. usually
(D) monthly
10. Don’t forget to pay your rent 
xA monthly
(B)	never
(C)	usually
(D)	seldom
1. Temperature, the simplest weather element to measure, is probably. used than any other kind of data
xA. more frequently
B. most frequently
C. as frequently
D. frequently
2. When young male drivers have their friends in the car, their driving becomes..
A. bad
B. badly
xC. worse 
D. worst
3. Soda has a bitter taste than other soft liquids but it is..people
xA. healthier for
B. healthier than
C. as healthy as	
D. more healthy than
4. The foods that contain ..are made of animal fat whereas vegetables have the least energy.
A. as much energy as
B. the more energy
xC. the most energy
D. more energy than
5. Albert Einstein’s contributions to scientific theory were.. Galileo and Newton.
A. important than
B. the most important
xC. more important than those of 
D. as important as
6. Which elephant has .ears: the African or the Indian elephant?
A. big
xB. bigger
C. the biggest
D. as big
7. Peanuts peas than to nuts.
A. closely related
xB. more closely related
C. closely more related
D. more-related-closely
8. According to a recent survey, young and inexperienced drivers are have an accident
A. likely
B. more likely
C. more likely than
xD. most likey
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence
1. He’ll arrive in London	.September 20th.
xA. on
B. in
C. from
D. at
2. We usually take our vacation.July
A. between
xB. in
C. with
D. at
3. James will be in his office.10:30 and 2:00
A. since
B. in
C. to
xD. between
4. The restaurant opens5:30
xA. at
B. behind
C. during
D. on
5. I need to talk to you.Friday
xA. by
B. from
C. between
D. with
6. Susan will be out of town..December 2tst to December 31st.
A. between
xB. from
C. while
D. since
7. I want to find a new job..the end of the year
A. on
B. beside
xC. by
D. in
8. It rains a lot..the winter
A. to
B. at
C. on
xD. in
9. We’re going to a concert.Saturday evening.
A. near
xB. on
C. since
D. between
10. Julie graduated from high school 1997
A. to
B. while
xC. in
D. at
11. There is a big house
A. after
B. next
xC. behind
D. between
12. Put your shoes.the bed
xA. under
B. over
C. between
D. to
13. Francine hung David's picture on the wall..her bed.
A. with
B. after
C. up
xD. over
14. I will wait for you ..the restaurant
A. between
B. side
xC. in front of
D. to
15. I keep all my pens.this drawer
A. of
xB. in
C. on
D. to
16. I’d like a the window, please
xA. by
B. for
C. as
D. since
17. They are building a new hotel.. the street from my office
A. over
xB. across
C. before
D. of
18. There’s a huge garage.this building.
A. without
B. during
xC. under
D. to
19. The bank is..the grocery store
A. on
xB. next to
C. for
D. from
20. You can use that telephone.the table
A. of
B. between
xC. on
D. for
Choose the best response for each question:
1. He's never.time = He's always late
A. at
xB. on
C. in
2. Will you be:..home later?
xA. at
B. on
C. in
3. Which street did you park your car.?
A. at
B. on
xC. in
4. I'll see youFriday. 
A. at
xB. on
C. in
5. I'll see you. May
A. at
B. on
xC. in
6. I met her.the party last week.
xA. at
B. on
C. in
7. Can you come by 7
xA. at
B. on
C. in
8. My brother doesn't live. the same neighborhood as me
A. at
B. on
xC. in
9. I haven't seen my cousin ..three months.
A. at
B. on
xC. in
10. I just heard that song	.. the radio
xA. at
B. on
C. in
1. Call me .the evening
A. at
B. on
xC. in
2. Call me
A. at
xB. on
C. in
3. Call minutes
A. at
B. on
xC. in
4. Have you ever been. Greece?
A. at
B. on
xC. to
5. We were.Cuba last year.
A. at
xB. in
C. to
6. Let's go.the beach!
xA. to
B. in
C. at
7. She's on her way her friend's house
A. at
B. in
xC. to
8. I'll see youthe party!
xA. at
B. in
C. to
9. I'll see you.Rome!
A. at
B. on
xC. in
10. I saw you .TV last night!
A. at
xB. on
C. in
11. I'm going backhome in five days.
A. to
B. at
xC. no preposition
12. It was 20 degrees
A. no preposition
xB. below
C. under
13. I saw him..the beach
xA. at
B. in
C. no preposition
14. He walked ..the shore
xA. along
B. among
C. in
15. The police were waitingthe corner
A. among
B. since
xC. around

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