Đề thi mẫu môn Anh bằng A2



Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)?

For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter A-H on the answer sheet.


0 We can answer your questions.

Đề thi mẫu môn Anh bằng A2 trang 1

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Đề thi mẫu môn Anh bằng A2

Đề thi mẫu môn Anh bằng A2
Europe Level A2 1
Test 1
PAPER 1 READING AND WRITING (1 hour 10 minutes)
Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)?
For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter A-H on the answer sheet.
0 We can answer your questions. E
1 You can’t drive this way.
2 Children do not have to pay.
3 You can shop here six days a week.
4 Be careful when you stand up.
5 We work quickly.
Europe Level A2 2
Read the sentences (6-10) about a birthday.
Choose the beat word (A, B or C) for each space.
For questions 6-10, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet.
0 Nina............ up early that morning because it was her birthday.
A stood B woke C came
6 Nina was very............... because she got lots of presents.
A interesting B lovely C happy
7 She.................. some friends to her house for a party.
A decided B agreed C invited
8 Her mother made a big chocolate........... with ‘Happy Birthday’ on the top.
A meal B cake C dish
9 Nina and her friends had a great time, singing and dancing and............. to their
favourite music.
A listening B hearing C looking
10 When they had to go, everybody ................. Nina and her mother for the party.
A said B thanked C told
Europe Level A2 3
Complete the five conversations.
For conversations 11-15, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet.
11 It’s time for lunch. A Oh good!
B One hour.
C Half past twelve.
12 Would you like a drink? A I don't like coffee.
B I prefer tea.
C Coffee, please.
13 How much was your new shirt? A It's a red shirt.
B It was very cheap.
C It was in a shop.
14 I'm very sorry. A I'm afraid so.
B I think so.
C That's all right
15 Do you spaek English? A No, I'm not.
B Only a little.
C Yes, very much.
Europe Level A2 4
Comlplete this conversation at a garage.
What does the woman say to the car mechanic?
For questions 16-20, mark the correct letter A-H on the answer sheet.
Mechnic: Good morning, Madam. What's the problem?
Woman: 0......................
Mechanic: What do you mean?
Woman: 16...........
Mechanic: I see. We can probably repair that
easily. Can you leave the car now?
Woman: 17..............
Mechanic: I'm sorry. We're completely full on
Woman: 18..............
Mechanic: Yes, all right. Could you come in the
Woman: 19...............
Mechanic: OK.
Woman: 20.................
Mechanic: I'm not sure, but probably about £30.
Woman: That's fine. I'll see you on Monday.
I'd prefer the afternoon.
I'm not sure. The brakes
aren't working very well.
Oh! One other thing, how
much will it cost?
The engine is hard to start in
the morning.
I work on Mondays.
I'm afraid I need it today.
How about the weekend?
When I brake, the car goes
to the left.
Oh. Could you do it on
Europe Level A2 5
Read the information about three books and then answer the questions.
For questions 21-27, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet.
New books this month
The Long Night
This is David Reilly's
first book. David became
a writer after teaching
English for several years.
Maha is a nurse in
northern Australia, where
she works in a small
hospital. One day a baby
is so ill that Maha has to
dive all night to get her to
the nearest big city. They
have a lot of problems
getting there and...
Hard Work
This exciting story is
Joanna Jones's twentieth.
Hard Work is about
Sombat, who works, with
his father, a carpenter, in
Thailand. They work
long, hard hours making
tables and chairs, but
they do not have any
money. Then one day a
man dressed all in black
buys the most beautiful
table in the shop...
Hospital or Cinema?
Marcie Jacome, who
studies English in
London, wrote this story
earlier this year.
Tina is a young Brazilian
woman whose dream is
to become a doctor. She
goes to London to study
English and medicine but
one day she meets a man
who asks her to go to the
USA with him to become
a film star... What will
Tina do?
Europe Level A2 6
0 Which book is about somebody who works with doctors?
A The Long Night B Hard Work C Hospital or Cinema?
21 Which book is by somebody who has written a lot of books?
A The Long Night B Hard Work C Hospital or Cinema?
22 Which book is about somebody who is very poor?
A The Long Night B Hard Work C Hospital or Cinema?
23 Which book is about somebody who would like to work in a hospital?
A The Long Night B Hard Work C Hospital or Cinema?
24 Which book is by somebody who worked in a school?
A The Long Night B Hard Work C Hospital or Cinema?
25 Which book is about a difficult journey?
A The Long Night B Hard Work C Hospital or Cinema?
26 Which book is about a man and his son?
A The Long Night B Hard Work C Hospital or Cinema?
27 Which book is by a student?
A The Long Night B Hard Work C Hospital or Cinema?
Europe Level A2 7
Read the information about Schnauzer dogs.
Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space (28-35)
For questions 28-35, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet.
Schnauzer Dogs
There are three sizes.
.....0.... Schnauzer dog.
The two smaller sizes first ... 28... to England
over 50 years ago, but the Giant Schnauzer has
not ...29... here very long. The name Giant is a good one because the dogs are 65
to 67.5cm high.
All the dogs ...30... long hair, which should be cut quite often. Most smaller
Schnauzers ...31... grey in colour, ...32... the Giant Schnauzer is usually black.
Schnauzers come from Germany, where farmers use the dogs to help ...33... with
their sheep, and they are also used ...34... the police, because Schnauzer dogs are
very intelligent.
A Schnauzer makes ...35... nice family dog. It is friendly and very good with
young children.
28 A came B come C comes
29 A ... S 6-10
Listen to Paul talking to a friend about his family.
What does each person do?
For questions 6-10, write a letter A-H next to each person.
You will hear the conversation twice.
6 Bill A bank clerk
7 David B doctor
8 Paul's mother C farmer
9 Paul's father D shop assistant
10 Paul E stopped work
F student
G teacher
H writer
Europe Level A2 15
Listen to Eric talking to Mary about the weekend.
Their friend, Carlos, is coming to visit them.
For questions 11-15, tick A, B or C.
You will hear the conversation twice.
0 What does Carlos hate?
A shopping 
B museums 
C football 
11 When is the football match?
A Saturday morning 
B Sarurday afternoon 
C Sunday afternoon 
12 Where are they going to eat on Saturday evening?
A at home 
B in an Italian restaurant 
C in a Chinese restaurant 
13 What are they going to do on Sunday morning?
A go for a drive 
B get up late 
C go to the cinema 
14 Where are they going to have lunch on Sunday?
A in a café 
B in a pub 
C at home 
15 They can't go to the cinema on Sunday afternoon because
A Carlos doesn't like films. 
B Eric doesn't like films. 
C they don't have time. 
Europe Level A2 16
You will hear a telephone conversation.
A girl wants to speak to Martin, but he is not there.
Listen and complete questions 16-20.
You will hear the conversation twice.
Europe Level A2 17
You will hear some information about a travel agency.
Listen and complete questions 21-25.
You will hear the information twice.
You now have 8 minutes to write your answers on the answer sheet.
Europe Level A2 18
PAPER 3 SPEAKING (8-10 minutes)
The Speaking test lasts 8 to 10 minutes. You will take the test with another candidate.
There are two examiners, but only one of them will talk to you. The examiner will ask
you questions and ask you to talk to the other candidate.
Part 1 (5-6 minutes)
The examiner will ask you and your partner some questions. These questions will be
about your daily life, past experience and future plans. For example, you may have to
speak about your school, job, hobbies or home town.
Part 2 (3-4 minutes)
You and your partner will speak to each other. You will ask and answer questions. The
examiner will give you a card with some information on it. The examiner will give
your partner a card with some words on it. Your partner will use the words on the card
to ask you questions about the information you have. Then you will change roles.
Europe Level A2 19
Test 1 Key
Paper 1 Reading and Writing
Part 1
1 F 2 A 3 G 4 C 5 B
Part 2
6 C 7 C 8 B 9 A 10 B
Part 3
11 A 12 C 13 B 14 C 15 B
16 G 17 F 18 H 19 A 20 C
Part 4
21 B 22 B 23 C 24 A 25 A 26 B 27 C
Part 5
28 A 29 C 30 B 31 C 32 C 33 A 34 B 35 B
Part 6
For questions 36-40, spelling must be correct.
36 passport 37 ticket 38 airport 39 suitcase 40 tourist
Part 7
For questions 41-50, ignore capitals/absence of capitals. Spelling must be correct.
41 in/near 42 from 43 have/’ve 44 are 45 my/the/one/our
46 His 47 if/when 48 to 49 am/’m 50 me
Part 8
For questions 51-55, spelling must be correct and capitals must be used where
51 9(th) April/April 9(th) 52 The Last King 53 8 p.m.
54 (£)3.50 55 Coffee Bar
Part 9
Question 56
The postcard shoud include the following three pieces of intormation:
i day/date of arrival
ii length of visit
iii suggested activity.
Europe Level A2 20
Sample answer A
Mark: 5
This is an example of a good 5. All three parts of the message are clearly
communicated in natural, error-free language.
Dear Richard,
I am going to England next Monday for three months and I
would like to do an excursion with you around London.
See you soon,
Sample answer B
Mark: 4
The three parts of the message are clearly communicated. There are a number of
structural errors (e.g. 'I'll like'), which prevent this candidate from scoring 5, but the
errors do not impede communication of the message.
Hello Richard,
I'm so happy to see you soon. I'll like come 16th of June I hope this is
right for you and I'll like to stay 2 weeks. I want to go to the theatre and
in the evening I'll like going to the theatre, cinema and discho.
Sample answer C
Mark: 3
This candidate clearly communicates the three parts of the message. However, there
are grammar and spelling errors which means the candidate would have scored 4.
However, the writer is penalised for not including either a salutation or a signature on
his/her postcard and therefore loses one mark and scores a 3.
I am coming on next Friday by plane. You will know right time, I
will ring up. I want to stay about 10 days and I want to visit
London but first - I would like to bee wiht you.
Sample answer D
Mark: 2
Two parts of the message are clearly communicated, but the third ('I'm going to End of
March’) requires interpretation, as does the concluding sentence. Consequently, the
candidate would score 3. However, the writer is penalised for not including a signature
on his/her postcard, and so loses a mark and scores 2.
I'm going to End of March.
I will stay for two weeks.
I'd like to go anywhere and shopping, so I looking for you!
Europe Level A2 21
Sample answer E
Mark: 0
Lack of linguistic resources make the message in this writing incomprehensible. It is
unclear whether the writer is attempting a response to the input text and writing about
future plans, or is attempting to describe impressions and past and/or present activities.
England is very big country. Before come here is very cold.
I in here Febremary 7th.
In here school study English is one year another school is
long date.
Paper 2 Listening
Part 1
1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 C
Part 2
6 F 7 G 8 E 9 B 10 A
Part 3
11 B 12 C 13 A 14 B 15 C
Part 4
For questions 16-20, ignore capitals/absence of capitals. In question 16, spelling must
be correct. Recognisable spelling is acceptable for questions 17 and 19.
16 Elaine 17 (the) Grand Hotel 18 8.30 p.m./20.30/half past eight
19 Friend 20 724 5936
Part 5
For questions 21-25, ignore capitals/absence of capitals. In question 21, spelling must
be correct. Spelling of 'bank', 'May' and ‘bag’ must also be correct as these are simple
'high frequency' KET vocabulary items.
21Warnock 22 (the) bank 23 21st May 24 £350(ormore)
25 (travel) bag
This is the Key English Test. Paper 2. Listening. Test number one. There are
five parts to the test. Parts One, Two, Three, Four and Five.
We will now stop for a moment before we start the test. Please ask any
questions now because you musn’t speak during the test.
Europe Level A2 22
PART 1 Look at the instructions for Part One.
You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice.
There is one question for each conversation. For questions 1 to 5, put a tick
under the right answer.
Here is an example.
Example: What time is it?
Female: Excuse me, can you tell me the time?
Male: Yes, it's nine o'clock.
Female: Thank you.
Male: You're welcome.
The answer is nine o'clock, so there is a tick in box C.
Now we are ready to start. Look at question one.
Question 1 One
What have they forgotten?
Male: I’ve got the passports here.
Female: And the tickets are in my bag.
Male: What about the camera?
Female: Oh no! I’ve left it at home. And I realty wanted to take some holiday
Now listen again.
Question 2 Two
What time does the train go?
Male: Hurry up! We'll be late.
Femate: What time does the train go?
Male: At six fifteen. We've got to leave in ten minutes.
Female: I'm nearly ready.
Europe Level A2 23
Now listen again.
Question 3 Three
Where is Room 22?
Male: Can you tell me the way to Room 22?
Female: Well... Go straight down here and it's the second door on the right.
Male: Do I have to go through the main hall?
Female: No, it’s the door on the right, just before you get to the main hall.
Now listen again.
Question 4 Four
Which man wants to see him?
Male: Which man wants to see me?
Female: The one over there, wearing a hat.
Male: The one with the glasses?
Female: No, not him. The other one.
Now listen again,
Question 5 Five
How did the woman get to work?
Female: Oh, the traffic's terrible today.
Male: Yes, it took me forty minutes by bus.
Female: Well, I drove and it took me an hour!
Male: An hour! It's probably quicker by bicycle.
Now listen again.
Europe Level A2 24
This is the end of Part One. Now look at Part Two.
Listen to Paul talking to a friend about his family.
What does each person do?
For questions 6 to 10, write a letter, A to H, next to each person.
You will hear the conversation twice.
Female: Tell me about your family, Paul.
Paul: Well, you know Sally, my sister - the writer - don’t you?
Female: Yes. Is she your only sister?
Paul: She is. But I’ve got two brothers. David’s older than me, and Bill's
Female: How old is Bill?
Paul: He's nineteen. He’s studying French in Paris at the moment.
Female: That sounds interesting ... And David? What does he do?
Paul: Oh, he's a teacher, the same as my mother was. But she finished
working last year.
Female: And what about your father?
Paul: Oh, he’s a doctor at the local hospital.
Female: Of course. I’ve seen him there.
Paul: My mother says he works too hard. She wants him to stop. She wants
to go and live on a farm in the country, near David,
Female: Um ... Are you a doctor too, Paul?
Paul: I'm not clever enough! I work in a bank - the one in the High Street,
next to the bookshop.
Female: Do you? So does my sisterl
Now listen again.
Europe Level A2 25
This ts the end of Part Two. Now look at Part Three.
Listen to Eric talking to Mary about the weekend.
Their friend, Carlos, is coming to visit them.
For questions 11 to 15, tick A, B or C.
You will hear the conversation twice.
Look at questions 11 to 15 now, You have 20 seconds.
Now listen to the conversation,
Eric: Mary ... what do you want to do at the weekend, when Carlos
Mary: Well, Eric, I must go shopping on Saturday moming.
Eric: He hates shopping. But we could go to the museum and then meet
you for lunch.
Mary: Fine. What shall we do in the aftemoon?
Eric: There’s a good football match on - Carlos’ll like that.
Mary: OK. Do you want to eat at home in the evening?
Eric: What about going to a restaurant? We haven’t been to that Italian
one for months.
Mary: Or we could try that new Chinese one.
Eric: OK. Let's do that. Now, what about Sunday?
Mary: If we get up early on Sunday, we could go for a drive in the
Eric: Yes, and we could have lunch in a pub somewhere.
Mary: Yes, the one near the river's nice. Shall we go to the cinema after
Eric: We can’t. His train’s at four o'clock and I'll have to take him back to
the station.
Now listen again.
Europe Level A2 26
This is the end of Part Three. Now look at Part Four.
You will hear a telephone conversation.
A girl wants to speak to Martin, but he is not there.
Listen and complete questions 16 to 20.
You will hear the conversation twice.
Male: Hello. 785 3126.
Elaine: Hello. Could I speak to Martin please?
Male: I’m afraid he's out at the moment. Can I take a message for him?
Elaine: Yes, please. My name’s Elaine.
Male: How do you spell that?
Elaine: E-L-A-I-N-E.
Male: Right, Elaine. And what’s the message?
Elaine: Tell Martin that the party tonight is at the Grand Hotel. I'll meet him
Male: Does he know the address?
Elaine: Oh yes, Everyone knows the Grand Hotel.
Male: OK. I'll tell him.
Elaine: And tell him I'll try to be there at half past eight. But I may be a bit
Male: Oh, I’m sure he won’t mind waiting. I'll tell him eight thirty ... Is there
anything else?
Elaine: Oh, yes ... ask him to bring a friend.
Male: A friend? Oh good, that could be me.
Elaine: Hmmm ... well ... and please ask him to phone me if he can’t come.
Male: Has he got your phone number?
Elaine: It's 724 5936.
Male: Right, I’ve got that.
Europe Level A2 27
Elaine: Thanks a lot. Bye.
Male: Bye.
Now listen again.
This is the end of Part Four. Now look at Part Five.
You will hear some information about a travel agency.
Listen and complete questions 21 to 25.
You will hear the information twice.
Answerphone: Hello. This is the South Seas Travel Agency. I'm sorry, no one
can speak to you right now. The South Seas Travel Agency
has moved to another part of town. We also have a new phone
number. Please ring us on 847 2296. Our new address is 98
Warnock Road, that’s W-A-R-N-O-C-K. It’s easy to find - it’s
near the park, at the end of the road, opposite the bank. We
will be open for business at our new office on 21 st May. We
hope to see you soon at our new address. We have many
exciting holidays at special prices. And we have a present for
anyone who spends £350 or more on a holiday. If your
holiday costs £350, we will give you a travel bag absolutely
free. This beautitul bag can carry everything you need on a
plane journey. And it can be yours free. Thank you for calling
the South Seas Travel Agency.
Now listen again,
This is the end of Part Five.
Europe Level A2 28
You now have eight minutes to write your answers on the answer sheet.
Note: Teacher, stop the recording here and time eight minutes. Remind
students when there is one minute remaining.
This is the end of the test.

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