Bài ôn tập CCNA
1.What is the most popular file system choice?
A. ext2
B. bsdf
C. jfs
D. ext3
Answer: A
2.What steps need to be performed, to make a new disk accessible to users? Select three.
A. fdisk
B. mkfs
C. mount
D. stat
E. quotaon
Answer: A, B, C
3.Which THREE of the following commands are used when setting up and accessing a new filesystem on the hard drive?
A. fsck
B. mkfs
C. mount
D. fdisk
E. format
Answer: B, C D
4.The command mkfs -t ext3 /dev/hdb1 -T largefile creates what size of inode?
A. 4 kilobyte
B. 1 megabyte
C. 2 megabyte
D. 4 megabyte
Answer: E

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Bài ôn tập CCNA

1.What is the most popular file system choice? A. ext2 B. bsdf C. jfs D. ext3 Answer: A 2.What steps need to be performed, to make a new disk accessible to users? Select three. A. fdisk B. mkfs C. mount D. stat E. quotaon Answer: A, B, C 3.Which THREE of the following commands are used when setting up and accessing a new filesystem on the hard drive? A. fsck B. mkfs C. mount D. fdisk E. format Answer: B, C D 4.The command mkfs -t ext3 /dev/hdb1 -T largefile creates what size of inode? A. 4 kilobyte B. 1 megabyte C. 2 megabyte D. 4 megabyte Answer: E 5.Which command will show the number of free and used inodes for your system's mounted file systems? A. du -i B. df -i C. ls -iR / D. freeinodes Answer: B 6.How many inodes are assigned to a file when it is created? A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 8 Answer: A 7.What command with switches will display the disk utilization for all mounted file systems? A. df B. vmstat C. du D. top E. free Answer: A 8.What command with options will show the currently mounted filesystems usage in kilobytes? A. df -k B. df -h C. du -k D. du -h E. du -s Answer: A 9.Which of the following commands will print the inode usage on each mounted filesystem? A. du -i B. df -i C. lsfs -i D. printfs -i Answer: B 10.You need to create a symbolic link in the current user's home directory named Certkiller to the file /data/foobar. Choose the command that will accomplish this. A. link . Certkiller /data/foobar B. ln /data/foobar $HOME/ Certkiller C. ln -s /data/foobar ~/ Certkiller D. file --link ./ Certkiller /data/foobar E. None of the above Answer: C 11.Which chown command will change the ownership to foo and the group to bar on a file named biglist? A. chown foo/bar biglist B. chown -u foo -g bar biglist C. chown foo:bar biglist D. chown --user foo --group bar biglist Answer: C 12.You have the following file: -rwxrwxr-x 1 foo root 0 Feb 23 07:48 /bin/foo Which of the following commands will change the owner of the file /bin/foofrom the foo userto the bar user without affecting group ownership? A. chown /bin/foo bar B. chown bar /bin/foo C. chown bar.foo /bin/foo D. chown.foo.bar /bin/foo Answer: B 13.Which of the following commands makes /bin/foo executable by everyone but only writable by its owner? A. chmod 557 /bin/foo B. chmod o +rwx, a+rx /bin/foo C. chown 557 /bin/foo D. chmod 755 /bin/foo Answer: D 14.You need to alter the permissions on the directory /home/mrbill and all it's contents to match the following permissions. drwxr--r-- Which of these commands with options and arguments will accomplish this? Choose two. A. chmod 0744 /home/mrbill -R B. chmod 744 /home/mrbill/* C. chmod -R u=rwx,g=r,o=r /home/mrbill D. chmod u+rwx,g+r,o+r /home/mrbill Answer: A, C 15.What umask will set the file permissions on a newly created file to -rw-r--r-- (644)? A. 0002 B. 0022 C. 0224 D. 0246 Answer: B 16.You want the default permissions for your files to be -rw-r----- . HOW must you set umask? A. 037 B. 640 C. 038 D. 027 Answer: A 17.After creating a new file, you notice that the permissions of the new file are -rw-rw-rw-. From this, you know that the value of the umask is what? A. 023 B. 000 C. 112 D. d111 E. 223 Answer: B 18.What are the default permissions for the Red Hat /etc/passwd file? A. 644 B. 640 C. 400 D. 641 E. 440 Answer: A 19.Which of the following are required in the /etc/passwd file when creating a user account? (Choose all that apply) A. login name B. userid C. default group D. password age E. minimum password length Answer: A, B, C 20.Which file contains information about filesystems and their respective mount points? A. /etc/mount B. /etc/fs_mount C. /etc/fstab D. /proc/fstab Answer: C 21.Which of the following programs can be used to the find the foo program in the.PATH and associated man pages, but not list every file containing foo on the system? A. which B. search C. slocate D. where E. whereis Answer: E 22.What command can be used to cause changes to the inittab file to take effect without a system reboot? A. init q B. init r C. inittab r D. inittab q Answer: A 23. Which of the following is a journaling filesystem? A. ext2 B. vfat C. minix D. ext3 Answer: D 24. The first ethernet card on a system is: A. eth0 B. etho0 C. eth1 D. hme0 Answer: A 25. You can find all of the services managed by xinetd by looking at which of the following file or directory? A. /etc/xinetd.d B. /etc/inetd.conf C. /etc/rc.d/init.d D. /etc/xinetd.conf Answer: A 26.What partition number always refers to the first logical partition? A. 0 B. 4 C. 1 D. 5 Answer: D 27.Which of the following files specifies information on what is NFS shared on your system? A. /etc/exports B. /etc/dfs/dfstab C. /etc/fstab D. /etc/sharetab Answer: A 28. What command could be used to find out which package owns the file /etc/aliases? A. rpm -qf /etc/aliases B. rpm -qp /etc/aliases C. rpm -e /etc/aliases D. rpm -qil /etc/aliases Answer: A 29. Which of these commands will list PCI devices? A. lsdevices B. lspci C. lsdev D. pcidev Answer: B 30. What command could be used to find all packages with the string 'mail' within the package name? A. find / -name '*mail*' B. rpm -qf /usr/bin/mail C. rpm -qa | grep mail D. locate mail Answer: C 31. On a system with 16MB RAM, the minimum size of your swap partition should be equal to how many MBs? A. 16 B. 32 C. 64 D. 100 Answer: B 32. On a new Linux installation, the partition mounted on where contains the operating system kernel? A. /boot B. /dev C. /kernel D. /bin Answer: A 33. A Linux server installation requires how many GB of free space for a minimal installation where no graphical display is ever needed? A. 0.8 B. 0.5 C. 1.1 D. 1.5 Answer: D 34. When init starts, it first runs which of the following scripts? A. /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit B. /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit0 C. /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit1 D. /etc/rc.d/sysin ... rectory B. Changes to a directory named Certkiller in the current user's home directory C. Changes to directory /etc/ Certkiller D. Produces a syntax error E. None of the above Answer: A 164.Which of the following commands will duplicate the contents of the /A directory in the existing and empty /B directory? A. mv /A/* /B B. mv /A/ /B C. mv /A /B D. mv /A/* . Answer: A 165.You want to move all files in /dir1 to /dir2 that begin with a and end with v. What is the correct command to do this? A. mv /dir1/a*v /dir2 B. mv -r /dir1/a.v /dir2 C. move /dir1/a?v /dir2 D. ls a*v | cp /dir2 E. mv /dir1/[a-v] /dir2 Answer: A 166.You need to display all files in the current directory that start with a "a" and end with a "v", regardless of their length or use of delimiters. Choose the best answer. A. ls a*v B. ls a.v C. ls a-v D. ls [a-v] Answer: A 167.As root you have navigated to directory /B. You wish to move all of the files and directories from directory /A to directory /B. Which of the following options would be the most appropriate command line to execute this task? A. cp /a/* . B. mv -f /A/* . C. mv -Rf /a/* . D. cp -f /a/* .. E. cp -rf /A/* /b/ Answer: B 168.Which line below would count the total number of lines with the word " Certkiller " in /var/log/maillog? A. wc -l ' Certkiller /var/log/maillog' B. for " Certkiller " in [maillog (count) +1] C. wc -l /var/log/maillog | grep ' Certkiller ' D. cat /var/log/maillog | grep ' Certkiller ' | wc -l E. cat /var/log/mailog | grep ' Certkiller ' | wc -r Answer: D 169.What utility would use to remove/display columns from each line of a file? A. pwd B. col C. cut D. tail E. extract Answer: C 170.Which of the following will copy file1.txt to file2.txt? Choose Two. A. cat file1.txt > file2.txt B. cat file1.txt | file2.txt C. cp file1.txt > file2.txt D. cp file1.txt file2.txt E. cpio file2.txt Answer: A, D 171.What command will show the last 10 lines of a file by default? A. tail B. head C. cat D. prstat E. ps Answer: A 172.What command will show the first 10 lines of a file by default? A. head B. cat C. tac D. nl E. tail Answer: A 173.Which command will display in reverse order a file that is numbered from 1 to End of File? A. cat file | nl | pr B. cat file | nl | tac C. cat file | tac | nl D. cat file | pr -n | reverse E. None of the above Answer: B 174.Which of the commands will show you only the middle 10 lines of a 30 line text file named textfile? A. head -n 11-20 textfile B. head -n 20 textfile | tail C. tail -n 11-20 D. cat textfile | pr -n 11-20 E. nl -n 11-30 textfile Answer: B 175.Which of the following would do the same as the command cat file2.txt? A. cat < file1.txt file2.txt B. cat file1.txt >file2.txt C. cat <file1.txt | file2.txt D. cat file 1.txt | file2.txt E. cp file1.txt>file2.txt Answer: B 176.What command would help you identify the I/O address range being used by the network card? A. cat/proc/modules B. cat/proc/devices C. cat/proc/meminfo D. cat/io/dma E. cat /proc/ioports Answer: E 177.Which of the following would copy the file file1.txt to tile2.txt? A. cp file1.txt | file2.txt B. cat file1.txt | file2.txt C. cat file1.txt > file2.txt D. copy file1.txt | file2.txt E. cat | file1.txt |file2.txt Answer: C 178.Which of these commands would report how many total accounts (including special accounts) there are? A. count /etc/passwd B. nl /etc/passwd | head C. wc --users /etc/passwd D. wc --lines /etc/passwd E. expand --lines /etc/passwd Answer: D 179.You logged in as user linux1, but now you want to switch users to linux2 with linux's environment. How would you do this? A. su linux2 B. su -e linux2 C. su - linux2 D. su -m linux2 E. su -f linux2 Answer: C 180.You are logged in as user tux1, but now you want to switch users to tux2 with tux2's environment. How would you do this? A. su tux2 B. su -e tux2 C. su - tux2 D. su -m tux2 E. su -f tux2 Answer: C 181.You had a contractor come into your company. You originally set his account to expire after thirty days. You now need to change this. How can you do this? A. usermod -e B. usermod -a C. usermod -x D. usermod -d Answer: A 182.What option is used with the useradd command to specify the user's login shell? A. -s B. -l C. -u D. -sh Answer: A 183.What option is used with the useradd command to specify the user's user id? A. -u B. -s C. -ui D. -id Answer: A 184.What switch is used with the useradd command to specify a user's initial group? A. -g B. -i C. -u D. -ig Answer: A 185.You want a user's account to expire in ten days. What option used with the useradd command will allow you to do this? A. -e B. -u C. -d D. -t Answer: A 186.You are adding a new user. You want to create the user's home directory only if the directory does not exist. Which of the following would accomplish this? A. useradd -m B. useradd -h -y C. useradd -u D. useradd -h Answer: A 187.What switch is used with the usermod command to change a user's secondary groups? A. -G B. -group C. -d D. -U Answer: A 188.What option is used with the useradd command to specify the user's home directory? A. -d B. -h C. -u D. -a Answer: A 189.What command would execute cmd1 followed by cmd2, regardless of the exit status of cmd1? A. cmd1 cmd2 B. cmd1 | cmd2 C. cmd1 ; cmd2 D. cmd1 && cmd2 E. cmd1 || cmd2 Answer: C 190.You want to run three commands one after the other, but don't care what exit they had. What command line would do this? A. cmd1 cmd2 cmd3 B. cmd1, cmd2, cmd3 C. cmd1: cmd2: cmd3 D. cmd1; cmd2; cmd3 Answer: D 191.What symbol can be placed at the end of a line to indicate that the command continues on the next line? A. / B. \ C. ; D. | E. : Answer: B 192.Which command will print line numbers before each line in a file? A. ln B. nl C. cat -n D. numline Answer: C 193.In order to append the output of ls to a file called bazz, which of the following command lines would you use? A. ls > bazz B. ls >& bazz C. ls &> bazz D. ls >> bazz Answer: D 194.Which shell built-in command can be used to create a shortcut or pseudonym for a longer command? Assume a modern bourne-like shell, such as bash. A. shortcut B. ln C. sudo D. link E. alias Answer: E 195.In which file are you likely to find the settings for umask, path, and ulimit on a per user basis? A. /etc/profile B. /etc/bashrc C. ~/.bash_profile D. ~/.bashrc Answer: C 196.Which of the following are executed ONLY during a Login session? Select all that apply. A. /etc/profile B. /etc/bashrc C. ~/.bashrc D. ~/.bash_profile E. ~/.bash_logout Answer: A, B, D 197.You installed a beta rpm package, but are experiencing some problems with it. How can you remove this package? A. rpm -qe rpmname B. rpm -V --remove rpmname C. rpm -r rpmname D. rpm -d rpmname E. rpm -ev rpmname Answer: E 198.You want to search the file myfile for all occurrences of a string containing at least five characters, where character number 2 and 5 are "a" and character number 3 is NOT "b". Which command would you use? A. grep a*^b*a myfile B. grep .a[^b].a myfile C. grep .[a].*.[a] myfile D. grep .a*^b..a myfile Answer: B 199.You have to test a new kernel version. Which of the following is the best way to add a new linux kernel in your system? A. rpm -fvh kernel_package B. rpm -Uvh kernel_package C. rpm -u kernel_package D. rpm -u kernel_package && make E. rpm --conflicts kernel_package Answer: B 200.You see following output while trying to install an updated package: [root@example pub]# rpm -i gthumb-2.2.0.i386.rpm package gthumb- 1.0.1.i386.rpm is already installed. Which command will allow you to install the updated version? A. rpm -i gthumb-2.2.0.i386.rpm B. rpm -ivh gthumb-2.2.0.i386.rpm C. rpm -U gthumb-2.2.0.i3S6.rpm D. rpm -qu gthumb-2.2.0.i386.rpm E. rpm -qiv gthumb-2.2.0.i386.rpm Answer: C 201.You want to preview where the package file, apache- xml.I386.rpm, will install its files before installing it. What command do you issue? A. rpm -qp apache-xml.i386.rpm B. rpm -qv apache-xml.i386.rpm C. rpm -ql apache-xml.i386.rpm D. rpm -qpl apache-xml.i386.rpm Answer: D 202.You have an updated RPM called screensaver-1.1.i386. rpm. You have version 1.0 installed. Using RPM, how do you view the changelog of this file to see if you should install the update? A. rpm -qp --changelog screensaver-1.1.i386. rpm B. rpm --changelog screensaver-1.1.i386. rpm C. rpm -qc screensaver-1.1.i386. rpm D. rpm -showchangelog screensaver-1.1.i386. rpm Answer: B 203.Which command will allow you to find a specific installed package? A. rpm -- list rpmname B. rpm -qvl rpmname C. rpm rpmname D. rpm -qv rpmname E. rpm -f rpmname Answer: D 204.How can you update a package only if an earlier version is currently installed on the system? A. rmp -- update rpmname B. rpm -U rpmname C. rpm -F rpmname D. rpm -- force rpmname E. rpm -u rpmname Answer: C 205.Which command will create a complete report which you can analyze for changes which may be security related? A. rpm -Va >report B. rpm -Qavy >report C. rpm -Vqt --nomd5 >report D. rpm --checkfiles >report E. rpm -Va --nofiles >report Answer: A 206.Which RPM command would produce the following output Name : xwhois Relocations: (not relocatable) Version : 0.3.7 Vendor: Certkiller Release : 1 Build Data: Fri 06 Aug 1999 0907 AM EDT Install date: (not installed) Build Host: desktop.infohvy.com Group : Application/Internet Source RPM: (none) Size : 74057 License: GPL Packager : Ryan Weaver URL : [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Summary : X Windows Whois Tool Description: xwhois is a small and fast query tool for the whois service. (rfc954) xwhois-0.3.7.tar.gz xwhois.spec A. rpm -qpil xwhois-0.3.7-1.src-rpm B. rpm-qx xwhois C. rpm-Vf xwhois-0.3.7-1.src.rpm D. rpm-verify xwhois-0.3.7-1.src.rpm E. rpm-showheaders xwhois-0.3.7-1.src.rpm Answer: A 207.You want to examine the changelog for the installed package "postfix". Which command will display the changelog? A. rpm -Vc postfix B. rpm -qpil postfix C. rpm --changelog postfix D. rpm -q --changelog postfix E. rpm -qa --changelog postfix Answer: D 208.You need to know where all the configuration files for the installed package named "postfix" are located. Assuming it was installed with rpm, which command will list this information for you? A. rpm -qc postfix B. rpm -Vc postfix C. prm --config postfix D. rpm -listconfig postfix E. prm -qa --config postfix Answer: A 209.Which of the following commands can be used to create a tar archive file in verbose mode? A. tar -v B. tar -cvf C. tar -c D. tar -vf Answer: B 210.Which of the following commands can be used to extract a tar file? A. tar -vf B. tar -xvf C. tar -e D. tar -v Answer: B 211.You want to find out what files are contained in a tar file. How would you do this? A. Use the tar command with the -t switch B. Use the tar command with the -r switch C. Use the grep command D. Use the find command Answer: A 212.You want to add information to a previously created tar file. How would you do this? A. Use the tar command with the -a switch B. Use the append command C. Use the add command D. Use the tar command with the -r switch Answer: D 213.You want to add files to a previously created tar file. You want to replace existing files with newer files, how can you do this? A. Use the append command B. Use the tar command with the -t switch C. Use the add command D. Use the tar command with the -u switch Answer: D 214.Which of the following switches can be used with the tar command to find out the difference between two tar files? A. -c B. -v C. -d D. -t Answer: C 215.You are installing a program that is only available as source code. Which of the following commands would be best to add system specific configuration information such as the default installation directory? A. ./make B. ./install C. ./makefile D. ./configure Answer: D 216.The command for most applications to install compiled source via the Makefile is: A. make B. install C. configure D. make depend E. make install Answer: E 217.Which command cannot normally be executed by a non-root user when compiling an application? A. make B. makefile C. ./configure D. make install Answer: D 218.What run level represents administration mode? A. 0 B. 1 C. 6 D. 5 Answer: B 219.What run level represents a power down? A. 5 B. 0 C. 1 D. 4 220.What run level represents a system reboot? A. 6 B. 1 C. 2 D. 5 Answer: A 221.Which of the following can be used to switch your system to run level 3? A. init 3 B. rlevel 3 C. level 3 D. inittab 3 Answer: A 222.What is corresponding device name on a Linux system? A. /dev/hda4 B. /dev/hda5 C. /dev/hdb4 D. /dev/hdb5 Answer: D 223.You are formatting a single hard disk for a Linux install. What is the maximum number of primary partitions you can create? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 E. 4 F. 5 Answer: E 224.With a Linux 2.2 Kernel-based machine configuration of 133 MHZ, 32 MB RAM and a 1 GB HD, how much swap should be configured? A. 512MB B. 256MB C. 128MB D. 64MB E. 32MB Answer: D 225.To build a fresh new Linux system, how much free space should you reserve for the Linux partition? A. 100 - 200MB B. 200 - 300MB C. 300 - 400MB D. 700 - 800MB Answer: D 226.Identify the proper device for the third partition, on the second hard disk, on the first IDE controller on a PC system. A. /dev/hdb3 B. /dev/hd1b3 C. /dev/hdc1b3 D. /dev/hdc1d2p3 Answer: A 227.Which of the following device files would represent a USB disk? A. /dev/sda B. /dev/scsia C. /dev/hda D. /dev/sd0 E. /dev/scsi0 Answer: A 228.How many SCSI ids for peripherals can SCSI-1 support? A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 Answer: C
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